The Gilbert 

Astley were thrilled to be approached by Brookfield Properties with an open brief to create an interactive crazy golf course to promote one of their properties, the Gilbert building.

The Gilbert, located in London, is a grand structure developed as an all encompassing work and social space. The aim of this project was to promote the Gilbert, publicising its office space to prospective tenants and London-based agents. Needed for one exclusive open evening, Astley created ‘The Gilbert Open’, a crazy golf course made up of five courses - which saw several hole-in-ones on launch night!




One of the main challenges was having only four weeks to design, build and install the crazy golf course. Our creative production team in Kettering designed the basic layout, and then proceeded to build the course and all of its elements.

The team had great fun proposing different themed concepts for the various holes. From bus lanes and tube stations, to Spitalfields Market and even a grand mock Gilbert façade, the course gives an immersive tour through London sceneries.





With the Gilbert being the first Brookfield Properties building completed as Net Zero in construction, it was only fitting that we incorporated a theme of sustainability into the course. Featuring landfills as penalty strokes and recycle bins as holes in one, it was such a fun way to promote a cause so important to both Astley and Brookfield Properties.

We love working on such experiential and bespoke projects, and this one really demonstrated our creative expertise! It was a huge team effort by Kettering and the creative team, and we are proud to say that Brookfield was totally blown away by the design and build of the project given the little time that was had.





