Winner of both the Craftsman and Innovation Awards at the BSGA Awards 2018

​We were so pleased to be invited to be Production Partners for Acrylicize, as right from the start it was evident that this was going to be a impressive piece. Each of the 5 illuminated lamps stood over 5 metres in height and with some also measuring 5 metres in width, the logistics of transporting the units had to be carefully considered.

Employing all manner of traditional techniques alongside more cutting-edge processes, the units were manufactured and then installed on site at Piccadilly Place in Manchester. In fact, the amount of digitally printed graphics equated to over 140 linear metres, externally applied to the Q Park entrance, with hand-painted design in the entrance tunnels to the square.

The site was located over an underground car park however, so the challenge wasn’t just the construction of the units but the careful installation, with weight restrictions being a key consideration throughout the entire project.








Working alongside Acrylicize, we set about prototying all elements of the the lamps, and as there were 5 units in total, each lamp was treated as an entirely unique unit.

The laser cut steel was rolled carefully to follow the curves of trhe printed polycarbonate sandwiched in-between, and each structure was to be hot zinced and powder-coated for long lasting vibrant colour and structural integrity. Each of these steps had to be carefully tested before commiting to production on the larger scale. Extensive experimentation was also carried out to ensure that each lamp would be illuminated successfully when positioned on site, to ensure for light transmission imitating the lighting from the actual lamps the installations were modelled on.

Following approval of prototypes, production was carried out with careful monitoring throughout each stage by the Creative Account Manager, ensuring for consistency and quality with each unit. These lamps would be positioned in the public arena for close scrutiny so attention to detail was an important prerequisite. The need for exact precision was also key for the successfull installation
of graphic panels on site.

Production included

  • Tekcel CNC cut, flatbed printed polycarbonate panels,
  • laser cut steel rolled to carefully follow the curve of the printed polycarbonate in-between, and second piece of removable section, match-cut to follow the digitally print of the polycarbonate),
  • Combination of cold rolled steel structures with removable base sections
  • All the removable base sections’ fixings were hidden under block paving
  • Steel structures hot zinced and powder-coated for long lasting vibrant colour and structural integrity
  • Combination of digitally printed DPF8000 with gloss overlaminate and 2 part hand painted graphics in selected RAL colours, using Zund cut paint masks


To learn more about how we support Acrylicize as creative production partners, visit their showcase page >