Our teams are passionate about the part we all play in the wider conversations. The environment, the communities we work within and the health and wellbeing of our workforce are central focuses for our business.

We are on our Net Zero journey, are avid charity fundraisers and are working hard to look after the mental and physical wellbeing of our teams.

we all have to play our part in a bigger conversation

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#teamastley has always had CSR as a key part of company strategy, fully embracing the part we play in being socially accountable in all that we do. We are proud to say we take responsibility for our own activities and appreciate the impact we can have as a manufacturer, particularly when considering environmental impact. 

We were one of the first companies within our sector to become a zero-waste-to-landfill supplier, as we understood our own objectives and that of our clients in preserving the world in which we live. We are also now starting off on our exciting journey to becoming Net Zero!

Offering sustainable signage solutions to our clients and promoting the benefits of introducing more sustainable schemes is just a small part of our partnership. 





our company values drive us forward, enabling us to focus on what matters

This year is an important year for the company as we work towards achieve a Better Health at Work Award, which would prove our commitment to supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of our workforce.

We now have a set of volunteer Health Advocates at our sites who are working hard to develop internal initiatives to promote a healthier way of life, creating fun and informative campaigns, addressing issues that matter to them.

We also are committed to supporting a staff nominated charity each year, raising funds for worthwhile causes like MacMillan Cancer Support, MIND and most recently Cancer Research UK. In 2020, we managed to beat all our company records to date, by staff raising an incredible £4,000 which was matched by the company. Even in such an unprecedented year, our superb workforce managed to give their time and their money for such an important cause, and we couldn’t be prouder.






Our Net Zero Roadmap

Astley has now completed base line assessments for Scope 1 and 2 (Scope 3 for grey fleet) and is proud to launch a net zero roadmap and decarbonisation strategy which outlines our commitment to reviewing how we will work towards achieving our target by 2040.

Click Here to read more on our Net Zero Roadmap...